Achieve Success Quicker By Teaching What You Know

Teaching what you know is the quickest way to achieve success.

Teaching what you know is the quickest way to achieve success.

Teaching Positions You as an Expert Which Yields Bigger Results

You should be teaching what you know yet you're reluctant to because you’re scared that you’ll lose your edge. You're scared someone is going to take your idea and do it better.You'll maintain the advantage by securing your wealth of knowledge in your head; sharing your knowledge will only benefit the competition.And that's the problem, everyone is the competition.This is an act of scarcity mindset where there will never be enough for you.What if I told you that teaching and sharing what you know willinduce far greater success and development than keeping your secrets to yourself? What if I said that youwill position yourself as an expert amongst your colleagues and peers while being presented exponential opportunities for financial growth?Would that make you change your tune?I’ve talked to several people recently who told me that there’s no way they would share their best techniques, tricks and advice. I'm guilty of having this mindset long ago, but I realize the perks of teaching so this is why I share this post with you.I’m going to discuss the pros you get from sharing and teaching that I guarantee will far outweigh the cons.Teaching what you know will:

  1. Help Other’s Grow

  2. Build an In-Depth Audience

  3. Expand Your Reach

  4. Get You Discovered Through SEO

  5. Create Multiple Channels of Revenue

1. Help Other’s Grow

Of course teaching what you know will provide value to people. That’s the whole point of you not wanting to share and teach because these people may do what you're doing better.This is only true if you become content and settle. You need to realize no one can create and deliver like you; what you do is unique and that's what will always set you apart from the "competition."Take a minute to see things from a different perspective; did you get to where you are now without guidance and advice from anyone else? Did you not read a book, article or watch informative videos that taught you your skills?Everything you consumed to help you progress was taught and shared by someone else who realized that by helping others they were helping themselves. You soaked up their knowledge because they were experts.

My favorite quote from Zig Ziglar is, “To get to where you want to be in life, you have to help enough other people get to where they want to be.”

In order to reach your highest goals, you must help others achieve theirs. This means you must teach and share your knowledge. Don’t let greed and scarcity blind you from doing what’s right. Bring others along with you on your journey as that will help you build an audience that matters.

2. Build an In-Depth Audience

With technology these days, everyone wants to go viral and gain a massive following of “Likers”. The fact is the majority of these people don’t truly care about who you are as a person. Most of them just want a quick spurt of entertainment and continue to scroll.When you share and teach what you know, you begin to build an audience that is truly engaged with you and your content. You will have in-depth conversations with them as they share their struggles in hopes that your expertise can help them make that next step. Their struggles provide you future content that will resonate with them even more!I’d rather have an engaged audience of 100 people than having an audience of 500 thousand where a fraction of them could care less about me and the value I have to offer. You’ll get lost in the likes and followers and never experience the joy of helping people directly and building lifelong relationships.Providing value to your audience will build a loyal following. They will assist you on your journey while motivating you when times are tough. They are the ones who will convert into customers and refer you and your services to their friends and family; without you having to spend a dime on advertising.Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising!You’ll be lucky to see a sliver of this type of engagement and loyalty by keeping things to yourself.

3. Expand Your Reach

Teaching what you know is the quickest way to achieve success.

Teaching what you know is the quickest way to achieve success.

You massively limit your possibilities of how far you can stretch the reach of your content when you’re afraid to share it.By teaching and sharing on a consistent basis, you build up an archival of content that you can always repurpose and stay current with. It allows you to direct people to it if they have a specific question that you’ve already covered and you can backlink all your current material to older material. This easily directs your audience to older work and increases on page attention. Most importantly, being able todirectpeople to older content saves you time from commenting individually to each person.Having someone’s attention is the most powerful tool when positioning yourself as an expert. If you have a backlog of content, you have the ability to repurpose your material which is a huge benefit that means more attention and consumption. If you’ve been blogging weekly for a year, you will have 52 blog posts at your disposal. This can all be converted into different mediums such as podcasts, videos, speeches, courses, webinars, etc.Repurposing this content will further your reach and target an ideal audience. This gives you the power to provide value to more people through social media and other content distributing channels.The possibilities and opportunities are endless as you continue to teach.

4. Get You Discovered Through SEO

All of this content you’ve been producing is building awareness of your brand, product and services throughout the internet. You’re establishing a name for yourself within Google’s search database and we all know Google is king right now.As you continue to put out material, you will significantly boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) searches. The more you share and teach within your field of expertise, you are flooding Google with data that forces them to see you as a key player on the web which will boost your search rankings. You will further enhance your rankings if you take the time to properly learn how to optimize your content which I can discuss at a later date.I’ve only been producing weekly Illustrative Lettering motivational material since early June. Presently, I’ve been able to climb several sources of my content within the top 3 pages of Google key word searches. This has directed more traffic to my website without even properly optimizing them.The fact that I can climb that high with a keyword search without proper optimization or paying for Google Ad Words shows the power of sharing content consistently. This has given new viewers a chance to access to all of my content, newsletter and my social platforms. They can now connect with me to continue the conversation or share with others.

5. Create Multiple Channels of Revenue

For someone who is scared to share because of potential loss of income, this section is for you.The funny thing about giving and teaching what you know for free is that people feel inclined to reimburse you. It’s called the Rule of Reciprocityand we are emerged in this principle every day. Picture yourself at a bar or coffee shop; you kindly buy a friend a drink and they feel compelled to buy your next one.  That’s the power of giving and you have a lot to offer, and this is just the basics of the concept.That backlog of content you’ve built up is an endless supply of revenue at your fingertips if you repurpose it properly. I mentioned you could repurpose those 52 weeks of blog posts into videos, podcasts, speeches, courses, webinars, etc. Well you’ve built an audience through your valuable content and these people are now primed to become purchasers of whatever product you put out.You've instilled trust in them and they’ve received value at every turn. Naturally they feel compelled to reimburse you as they know it will only benefit them and help you at the same time. They feel in debt to you compared to you pushing your product or services on people that haven't received any sort of value from you beforehand. All you're doing is asking and you will be seen as a taker instead of a giver.Nobody likes a taker...Finally, as you positioned yourself as an expert, you are able to charge more for your work. You’ve invested the hours and helped numerous people who can provide testimonials to further enhance your services. You can charge premium rates and begin to say no to more things so you can say yes to some pretty incredible things that will take up less of your time. It will allow you to work smarter, not harder and receive the compensation you deserve.In the end, there are more opportunities to progress financially by sharing and repurposing your content to a larger audience than to keep that all imprisoned in your mind.

It's a Simple Choice Right?

Some of your greatest influencers and idols were people who taught and shared everything they knew. I know you see them as experts in their field, so why wouldn’t this same philosophy apply to you?There’s never been a better time to share your knowledge as the population is growing with more people gaining access to the internet and smart phones. Your content is just one scroll away from someone finding value. These people are hungry and they might as well be consuming something valuable from you.

Key Takeaways

  • What you do is unique and that's what will always set you apart from the "competition"

  • You’ll build an engaged audience who’s loyalty will transform into customers

  • An engaged audience will share their struggles which provides you with relevant content

  • Word of mouth and sharing are the most powerful forms of advertising

  • Having a backlog to direct people to will save you time

  • A backlog will position yourself as an expert in your field of expertise

  • A mountain of content will boost SEO searches and result in more attention

  • When you give value for free, people feel compelled to reimburse you

  • Repurposing your content will allow for multiple revenue channels

You'll achieve success far quicker by teaching what you know and letting go of your scarcity mindset.So what’s holding you back?Wouldn’t you rather build a stronger audience, position yourself as an expert, gain more influence and make more money doing what you love?Start teaching what you know today and reap these benefits; let go of the fear as there is no competition. Nobody can do what you do.-Are you receiving value in this post and find that you have questions in regards to finding your purpose? Your input and questions are what I build my content around so by joining my team, you have direct access to me for questions and advice. Your struggle will not only allow me to keep this focused on delivering targeted value, but can also help others who deal with your same issues, including myself. My mission is to help and grow along with you.


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